Friday, July 17, 2015

Who Am I?

Hi reader! I figure that if you are going to spend time reading my thoughts you mind as well know who I am. The question “who am I?” can be a difficult one. It stunts many, paralyzing them from continuing to grow into flourishing human beings. College for almost everyone is designed to be a time to “find yourself” but the trend for many is that instead of discovering who they are, they discover what brings them joy. Drinking, Sex, Partying, etc are all typologies of community in a distorted fashion, but they do not yield an answer to who someone is at their core. What defines a man is what he does, but that does not tell us who that man is.
I can only speak as to who I am. I cannot answer that question for anyone else, but only say people are more then action. I have searched for the answer to that question for several years. As a Christian I let God not only tell me who I am, but also to direct my lives mission. Who am I? My name is Evan Krippner.
Evan is a welsh version of the name John. John is a Hebrew name which means God is Gracious. God has been incredibly gracious in my life and I am a testament to his goodness. I grew up in a Christian home but never recognized a relationship with Jesus as my own. I became a Christian in High School, but since then I have continuously drifted into sin of various types. Yet God in his mercy has still pursued me, and has shown his unconditional love towards me. Evan in the Greek is shorthand for the word Evangelos, which translated means good messenger. This is the purpose that God has tasked me with. I will continue to preach and shout of his goodness.
My last name is Krippner and this is the name I choose to go by. Krippner is a German name that simply means “a man from Kripp.” God has labeled my identity with my first name. He has put his mark on me. But I am only a messenger, and once more a mere man. I choose to go by Krippner because what should be important about me is not any grandiose mission, but I hope people see nothing in me but Christ. I am a man with a mission from the town of Kripp. That’s who I am. That’s what this blog is about. And that’s why my name is Krippner.

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